Book of Dumb Tables 2 Cover Illustration by Joshua LH Burnett

Scene Changers

  Sometimes, scenes just drag on too damned long as players insist on searching for non-existent clues, questioning suspects who don’t know anything, and focusing on throwaway details that don’t mean anything. Usually, the best way to deal with this is to have something happen that the characters have to deal with right away, but…

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Cyberpunk Characters

I’ve been playing around with an idea for a cyberpunk game, so below are some tables with random cyberpunk Words for character creation. For cyberware, genetic tinkering, and high-tech gear, I’d probably use a system along the lines of the equipment rules from Fort High or All-Stars. Basically, if a piece of equipment alters the…

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Random Nic Cage Characters

It’s an awkward situation and nobody likes to admit it, but sometimes when you’re making characters for a new game, you can’t help but thinking to yourself “this calls for Nic Cage.” The question then becomes “Which Nic Cage?” After all, Cage–like the universe itself–is infinite and ever-expanding. While we can’t help you determine whether…

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Tuesday Table: Random GMCs

  A lot of GMCs have a handful of standard types they use whenever an unplanned minor character appears in the game. If your fallback GMCs are getting old, roll on the following tables to come up with something a little different. The first table describes the GMC’s personality, the second describes what general category…

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