My First M-Force Mission
I needed something for the “Prose” tab, so I edited a chapter from my NaNoWriMo M-Force novel into a short story, The Dark Lord Vigoda. Read at World Anvil Facebook Twitter Reddit Tumblr Email
I needed something for the “Prose” tab, so I edited a chapter from my NaNoWriMo M-Force novel into a short story, The Dark Lord Vigoda. Read at World Anvil Facebook Twitter Reddit Tumblr Email
More M-Force lore for today’s Worldember article: The War on Slugs. Read at World Anvil Facebook Twitter Reddit Tumblr Email
For my second WorldEmber entry, I wrote an article about an M-Force urban legend: Operation Toothpick. Read at World Anvil Facebook Twitter Reddit Tumblr Email
Once SupaGenius was gone, we spent the rest of Origins comparing notes, but that didn’t really help us. We found out that Corporate Sugar Daddy had paid for the M-Force print run, but I don’t remember the excuse SuperGenius gave him for not using the money that was supposed to be in the bank account…
We’d already been working on M-Force for a while before the GAMA show, but after we got back we kicked into high gear to make sure we could get the book out in time for Origins. M-Force, for those of you who don’t know, is our Monster Hunting game. It’s one of my favorite games…
We ended 2001 feeling pretty good about ourselves. We’d just released our first full-sized book, we had nationwide distribution, our con games were overflowing with players, and we beat Steve Jackson at TOON!. For 2002, we had even bigger plans, focused on two things: first, we’d go to the GAMA show in March. Then we’d…
Since I’ve posted Spooktober Entries for my other 3 WA worlds, it seemed only fair to do something for the Hex Ficton page. Since I didn’t have any great ideas for the “Space” prompt, I wrote up a short Galaxikhan entry. Read at World Anvil Facebook Twitter Reddit Tumblr Email
Here’s what I’m thinking for the basic die roll for the dice pool system. The broad outline for how stats and such work is the same as for the most recent version of the Hero Die + Trope Die system, but with a dice pool set up. That way instead of fiddling with the difference…
I just posted an update to the Elvismancer Kickstarter. The plan was to include a writing sample, but the completely reasonable few paragraphs I originally meant to write combined with a throwaway line from an old Death Cookie article and became an 1800-word in-world article. Since that was way too long for a Kickstarter update,…
The Hex Ficton is the fictional setting where Hobomancer, M-Force, Weird Times at Charles Fort High, and numerous other games published by Hex Games take place. We often describe the Hex Ficton as a world that’s like our own, but vastly weirder. This list provides some insight into how weird it is. You can learn more at the Hex Ficton page.