Sehr Bahor
Here’s another World Building Summer Camp entry. This time the prompt is “a seat of power (of any kind!).” Read on World Anvil Facebook Twitter Reddit Tumblr Email
Here’s another World Building Summer Camp entry. This time the prompt is “a seat of power (of any kind!).” Read on World Anvil Facebook Twitter Reddit Tumblr Email
The thunderjar came up in the chimerist write-up, so I went ahead and filled in the stub. This one is eligible for the Item special category, but since you’re only allowed to submit 1 thing per category and I’ve still got some (potentially more interesting) item stubs to write, I’m not going to submit it…
Finally finished the chimerist entry, which is 2200+ words, brining my total up to 5304, so a little over halfway there. Since this one is eligible for a special category price, likes are especially appreciated. Facebook Twitter Reddit Tumblr Email
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Just thought I’d post a pic of the progress on the Shymeria map. I had a false start that lost some time, but I think it’s starting to shape up nicely. Facebook Twitter Reddit Tumblr Email
When I watched the new She-Ra series, I realized that “Aetheria” was basically the same as “Etheria,” Eternia’s sister planet. A Google also turned up a video game that appears to be current that uses “Aetheria” with the “Ae” spelling. So I decided to change the name, which was a terrible thing because I agonize…
I’m trying to work out how to make the rules for powers to work in Guardians of Shymeria. I’ve had several false starts so far. Every time I actually start writing the rules, I find myself lost once again in the Land of Crunch. I don’t want the rules to come from the Land of…
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According to Merriam-Webster, genre is “a category of artistic, musical, or literary composition characterized by a particular style, form, or content.” Genre trappings are mostly the things in the “content” part of that definition: people, places, and things that help define the genre. While these trappings help us recognize which genre a story belongs to,…