What We’ve Been Up To

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As you can see, we’ve changed things around a bit here at the Death Cookie. Other than the look and the shiny new DriveThruRPG affiliate links (if you click those and buy something, we get a cut–so buy some stuff!), the biggest change is that we’ve gotten rid of the old forums in favor of a simpler commenting system. The new system is similar to what most blogs use, so you can comment on articles without registering for the site as long as you prove you’re (probably) not a robot. Last but not least, all of Steve’s personal ramblings have been moved from the Hexagrams section over to a new blog called “Cussin’ in Tongues,” where he’ll be blogging about topics at least tangentially related to gaming on something approaching a regular basis. Hexagrams will revert to its original function as a company blog where we tell you what’s going on at Hex Games.

Speaking of which, we bet you’re wondering what’s going on at Hex Games (other than terrible segues, that is). Well, the big news is that, as most of you hopefully already know, we finally released Hobomancer last month. At about 160 pages, it’s the biggest game we’ve done in a while, so it took a lot longer than expected but we think it was worth the wait. Check out the preview edition and see for yourself–or, if you trust us, click the cover picture over there and go ahead and buy a copy. We think you’ll like it .

Even though most of us have been knee-deep in magical hobos for most of the past year, we’ve had a few projects on the back burners the whole time and some of them are nearing completion. Our next release will an RPG version of the original action-adventure story, GILGAMESH!This epic adventure is written by QAGS co-creator Leighton Connor and illustrated by regular Hex artist Joshua Burnett. Meanwhile, Robert McCabe is putting the finishing touches on his Sex, Lies and Ultraspies follow-up, Spy Racers, which features interior art by first-time Hex artist James Hornsby (check out the sample pic below for a preview of the awesomeness). Finally, Adventures of Sindbadand Edison Force author Ian Engle is hard at work on Aces & Apes, a supplement that acknowledges the one element that’s sorely lacking in Red Baron-style tales of aerial warfare: monkeys! Beyond that, we’ve got some Hobomancer supplements and other assorted projects in the early stages of production and still hope to get at least the core rulebook for the new edition of M-Force out before the year is up, but the exact details and release dates are still up in the air, so check back for updates.

For up-to-the-minute news about what the Hex crew is up to, like our Facebook page or follow us on Twitter.

Spy Racers art by James Hornsby.