The Crusader

  As the name implies, the crusader is out to further some cause that he believes in–ending crime, converting the infidels, saving the environment, killing a huge fucking shark, whatever. The crusader rarely acts out of pure altruism; he has personal reasons for doing what he does and is not necessarily interested in doing good…

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The Rake

  Often known as the ladies’ man (or, in the case of female characters, femme fatale or vixen), the rake uses his charm, good looks, and sexuality to get what he wants, especially from members of the opposite sex. Some rakes trade sexual services for favors, gifts, or information outright. The most competent, however, can…

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The Squint

A squint is a scientist who specializes in analyzing evidence in order to solve a problem or mystery. The name “squint” (coined by Agent Booth on the TV series Bones) refers to the fact that the squint is always looking intently at something–a microscope, a computer screen, or whatever. While the term was invented to…

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The Everyman

  The most reluctant of reluctant heroes, the everyman does not particularly crave adventure and excitement. He just wants to live his live and has no particular need to prove himself or engage in thrilling heroics. The everyman steps into the role of the hero because nobody else can or will and in many cases…

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