Khezvaros Updates

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Here’s the new map, now with buildings, docks, a moat around Castle Vargo, and a few other additions and modifications. The next step will be to clean up the brushed-in buildings a bit and probably rework or modify a few sections here and there. Then I’ll start putting in some green space and other visual bits (including lots of domes, most likely) to spruce up the map and add some labels and such.

The amount of time I’ve been spending on the map has kept me from writing as much as I’d hoped for the #WorldEmber2019 challenge as I was hoping for, but I’m going to try to hit the 10,000 word goal. I’m at 6778 words right now, so I only need a little over 1,000 words a day to hit the mark. Speaking of content, here’s some of the new stuff you can read about on the WorldAnvil page: