Technobabble Generator

  This weeks’ table is by QAGS co-creator Leighton Connor (who also wrote GILGAMESH! and Laser Ponies and co-authored Leopard Women of Venus). You can use this one whenever your mad scientist or engineer character needs to sound like he’s doing something complicated. But before we get to the table, we should mention that Hex…

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Book of Dumb Tables 2 Cover Illustration by Joshua LH Burnett

What If…?

  Even casual comic fans are probably familiar with the “What If…?” format: change something and see what else changes because of it. Kind of like a lot of RPGs (“it’s like our world except…”). These tables give you some “What If…?” scenarios that you can use as a starting point for a modern-day game…

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Supporting Character Quirks

  Supporting characters are a lot more interesting when there’s something weird about them. While you don’t want to give every single GMC the characters meet a quirky trait (unless you’re playing a David Lynch-style game), important or recurring characters will be more memorable if they’ve got an unusual trait. The list below is for…

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Random Bad Guy Obsessions

There’s a school of thought in certain books, comics, movies, and RPGs that giving a character one random obsession makes them well-rounded. While this is not remotely true, it’s at least a step in the right direction, and can sometimes even lead to something approaching three-dimensionality. Here’s  a random table to get you started on…

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