The Isles of Faere
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To view this content, you must be a member of Steve’s Patreon at $1 or more Unlock with PatreonAlready a qualifying Patreon member? Refresh to access this content.
My first attempt to read Tolkien was in middle school, when I read the first book in the Lord of the Rings trilogy. I didn’t want to finish it, but I’d picked it for a book report or something and by the time I realized I didn’t like it, it was too late to switch…
Favorite Fantasy RPG “Fantasy” is a pretty broad category, so I’m going to assume the typical gaming definition of “Sword & Sorcery and/or Elves and Shit.” In that case, the best fantasy game I’ve ever played is the Sword & Sorcery game that the Hex staff plays once every year or two when we can…
“The novel is a challenge to vulgarization: write something that looks new to you: someone will point out that the thrice-accursed Greeks said it long ago.”–Charles Fort As Fort observes, there really aren’t any new ideas. The best you can really hope for is to mix old story elements in a new and interesting way…
Before I get into this week’s blog, I forgot to mention last week that I recently the newest installment of my series of role-playing articles on HubPages, “Seven Rules Every RPG Player Should Know.” Also, just yesterday Hex released our first novel, Carter Newton’s Suicide’s Run: A Tale of the Hobomancers. Carter does a great…
Last week, I applied Timothy Leary’s definition of a “game” to role-playing and ended with a promise to discuss other passages in his presentation “How To Change Behavior” that, despite having nothing to do with role-playing, are strangely applicable to our hobby. Here’s the first passage I was talking about: “All behavior involves games. But…
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An interview with Steve Johnson and Leighton Connor, conducted by Jeffrey Johnson I remember back in the olden times when if you wanted behind the scenes information about movies or games you had to settle for the little snippets in Starlog, or on E! entertainment TV and piece the whole story together bit by bit….
As you’ve probably already heard, Warner Brothers has just picked up the rights to do a new Dungeons & Dragons movie. It’s being produced by the guy who directed the terrible Jeremy Irons D&D movie and the screenplay’s by the guy who’s penned such thoroughly…uh,…filmed and released?…movies as Wrath of the Titans and Red Riding…
This is the second article from a previous incarnation of the Death Cookie about using Tarot Cards in games. For more background, and the first article, click here. Also, please forgive how blatantly I was ripping off Ravenloft for the setting. Facebook Twitter Reddit Tumblr Email