The Squint

A squint is a scientist who specializes in analyzing evidence in order to solve a problem or mystery. The name “squint” (coined by Agent Booth on the TV series Bones) refers to the fact that the squint is always looking intently at something–a microscope, a computer screen, or whatever. While the term was invented to…

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The Everyman

  The most reluctant of reluctant heroes, the everyman does not particularly crave adventure and excitement. He just wants to live his live and has no particular need to prove himself or engage in thrilling heroics. The everyman steps into the role of the hero because nobody else can or will and in many cases…

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The Hot Shot

The hot shot is good at what he does, maybe even the best, and he knows it. The typical hot shot is relatively young, which means his abilities are more likely due to natural talent or unorthodox methods than training and experience. Hot shots are very self-confident, often to the point of dickishness, and therefore…

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The Lawman

  The lawman is, as you can probably guess, someone who has sworn to uphold the law. Most lawmen are members of a recognized law enforcement organization, but there are a some freelancers (including some super-heroes and particularly law-abiding bounty hunters) who could be considered members of this archetype. Unlike the loose cannon, the lawman…

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The Con Man

The Con Man specializes in finding people who want something for nothing and giving them nothing for something. When most people think of a con man, they imagine a ruthless criminal who steals money from little old ladies. While this is sometimes the case, the little old ladies aren’t always blameless. In addition to exploiting…

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