Monster of the Week: The Road Ghost

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Also Known As: Specific road ghosts often have their own names, often based on the road they haunt (“The Route 44 Haint”), their (presumed) identity in life (“The Ghost of Old Jeb Roberts”), or some other well-known trait (“The Mississippi Trucker”). They are sometimes mistaken for Phantom Hitchhikers.

Description: Road ghosts appear to be normal people, though they often bear horrible injuries (matching those sustained at death).

BMA Classification: Road ghosts are malicious and are classified as monsters by the BMA.

Powers: Although they appear solid enough, and can interact with the world around them normally, road ghosts are practically invulnerable to physical harm. Their touch drains the life force from living creatures. In addition, many road ghost are able to manifest along with the vehicle (or mount, in the case of pre-automotive road ghosts) they were driving when they died. Unlike the human occupant, these vehicles rarely show signs of crash damage (though they do sometimes take on a more sinister appearance than the actual vehicles they represent).

Vulnerabilities: Road ghosts are vulnerable to holy water and other symbols of purity and can be exorcised by anyone who knows the proper rituals. They can also be dispatched by planting a cross and salting the ground on the spot where they died (if the spot can be determined). A few road ghosts are honestly confused spirits who do not intentionally cause harm, and these can often be eliminated by helping them realize what has happened to them and/or assisting them in completing unfinished business.

Biology and Habitat: With the exception of the “confused spirit” brand of road ghost mentioned above, most Road Ghosts are aware that they are dead and are not happy about it. While a few lash out at particular types of victims based on the factors surrounding their death (for example, a person run off the road by a semi may only attack truckers), most lash out at anyone who happens down their stretch of road at an inopportune time. Some road ghosts appear on the anniversary of their death, others when conditions are similar to those of their time of death, and some according to less easily-discernable schedules.

Most road ghosts prefer to take their victims by causing crashes similar to the one that caused the ghost’s death. Some do this by appearing in the middle of the road out of nowhere, others by actively trying to run people off the road with their demonic vehicles. If the crash does not kill the victim, the ghost will use its deadly touch attack to finish them off.


  • While most researches believe the Headless Horseman of Sleepy Hollow fame to be entirely fictional, some have suggested that he may be the colonial equivalent of a road ghost.
  • A black, 60s-model GTO often plays “chicken” with cars on the one-lane Flint Creek Road in Barrington, Illinois. According to local legend, four teenagers were killed on that road in car matching that description in the 1970s.
  • In 1977, M-Forcers dispatched a road ghost on Sweet Hollow Road in Long Island, New York. The ghost, locally known as “Mary” or “The Lady In White,” had supposedly been pushed from the car to her death during an argument with her boyfriend. If a feuding couple drove along her stretch of road, Mary would jump out in front of them, usually causing an accident. In every instance, the male in the car was badly injured or killed, while the woman walked away relatively unharmed.
  • Since at least 1994, a headless, axe-wielding ghost has haunted Texas Road in Windsor, Ontario (Canada). The ghost is most often seen on foggy nights near a cemetery located on Texas Road.

Additional Information: For game purposes, ghost cars are treated just like real cars, but they do not sustain damage from crashes.

Body: 13
Brain: 12
Nerve: 13
Job: Angry Spirit (13)
Gimmick: Invulnerable (19)
Weakness: Hideously disfigured (varies)
Skills: Road ghosts who manifest along with their vehicles have Driving +3. All road ghosts may have additional skills as the GM sees fit.
Armor Rating: 0
Damage Bonus: +2 (The life-draining touch does not cause visible wounds and the damage sustained from the attack cannot be treated by traditional medicine).
HP: 13 (Depriving a road ghost of Health Points causes it to disappear temporarily, but it will return when conditions are again right for it to strike).
Yum Yums: 0

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