Luck & Instant Karma

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Kind of like how I divide damage into “how much fight do you have left for this scene” and “how much actual physical damage have you suffered,” I wanted to split Yum Yums up so there was a way to distinguish between “cheap” Yum Yums (funny one-liners and such) and “big stuff” (contributing to the world, ongoing story etc.) that didn’t just involve giving big piles of YYs to players who made more significant contributions. So Instant Karma points are Yum Yums you get for making the scene cooler in minor ways that don’t really affect the big picture. They mostly disappear when the scene ends. Luck points are adventure-level Yum Yums that let you change the plot in bigger ways.

At the end of the adventure, you can trade in your Luck for either Downtime (used for doing things off-screen between adventures) or for Character Points (used to improve character stats).

My main concern here is that even if you count Downtime/CP as “experience,” there are still 3 different flavors of Bennies (Plot Armor, Luck, Instant Karma). I think they’re distinct enough to avoid confusion and that mirroring the way damage works helps make it seem less weird, but I came up with it so I’m probably not the best judge. Let me know if you have thoughts.

Edit: I also added Hit Points and Zen Points to the Plot Armor page. It’s basically just a tiny bit of extra information and the rule for figuring out how many HP/ZP your character has.

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