For my next WorldEmber entry, I decided to stick with the Hex Ficton and write about Hobomancers. Read at World Anvil Facebook Twitter Reddit Tumblr Email
For my next WorldEmber entry, I decided to stick with the Hex Ficton and write about Hobomancers. Read at World Anvil Facebook Twitter Reddit Tumblr Email
For my second WorldEmber entry, I wrote an article about an M-Force urban legend: Operation Toothpick. Read at World Anvil Facebook Twitter Reddit Tumblr Email
Which is why I was able to start working on WorldEmber today. This year I’m not necessarily focusing on a single world, so I’ll probably have a mix of stuff for Ten Thousand Daggers, Camlan, Diner Punks, and The Hex Ficton. I decided to start with the Hex Ficton page since it’s the most neglected…
Elvis is alive and well and rebuilding Vegas. READ AT WORLD ANVIL Facebook Twitter Reddit Tumblr Email
What’s an RPG setting without a Holy Grail? Read at World Anvil Facebook Twitter Reddit Tumblr Email
The diner that started dinertowns. READ AT WORLD ANVIL Facebook Twitter Reddit Tumblr Email
Just finished the Mule Skinner character archetype for Diner Punks. READ AT WORLD ANVIL Facebook Twitter Reddit Tumblr Email