Czilkir Deck
Czilkir Decks are the Khezvaros version of Tarot cards. They’re used by fortune tellers, gambler, and Fatespinners. View at World Anvil Facebook Twitter Reddit Tumblr Email
Czilkir Decks are the Khezvaros version of Tarot cards. They’re used by fortune tellers, gambler, and Fatespinners. View at World Anvil Facebook Twitter Reddit Tumblr Email
This is the second article from a previous incarnation of the Death Cookie about using Tarot Cards in games. For more background, and the first article, click here. Also, please forgive how blatantly I was ripping off Ravenloft for the setting. Facebook Twitter Reddit Tumblr Email
Earlier today I ran across a post on reddit about using Tarot cards in RPGs. That reminded me that I’d written a DC article about that many years ago. When I went looking for it, I found two, so I’m going to post both of them. I’m not exactly sure when they were written, but…