Operation Toothpick
For my second WorldEmber entry, I wrote an article about an M-Force urban legend: Operation Toothpick. Read at World Anvil Facebook Twitter Reddit Tumblr Email
For my second WorldEmber entry, I wrote an article about an M-Force urban legend: Operation Toothpick. Read at World Anvil Facebook Twitter Reddit Tumblr Email
I’ve been trying to read at least some of the shorter zines I’ve collected over the years. Recently I read Glam Metal Monster Hunters and Pixie Punks on the same night, and it seemed like a good idea to review them together since they kind of have opposite approaches to zine design. Let’s start with…
Also Known As: Zombies, Walking Dead, Animated Dead, Walking Corpse, Brain Eaters, Fleshbags. They are also sometimes called ghouls, though this usage is technically incorrect. It is important to distinguish between the living dead and zombis or the re-animated (see “BMA Classification”). Facebook Twitter Reddit Tumblr Email