The Hot Shot

The hot shot is good at what he does, maybe even the best, and he knows it. The typical hot shot is relatively young, which means his abilities are more likely due to natural talent or unorthodox methods than training and experience. Hot shots are very self-confident, often to the point of dickishness, and therefore…

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The Fixer

Editor’s Note: Starting with this week’s exciting episode, new Archetypes of the Week will go up on Thursday instead of Wednesday. The fixer is a person who solves problems, often using methods that are not entirely legal. While most fixers deal in material goods (especially illegal or hard to get ones) to some extent, the…

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The Monster Hunter

The monster hunter’s role in fiction is pretty self-explanatory: He fights monsters. Some people fight supernatural baddies because it’s their destiny, some because it’s their job, and some because they just keep running into to the damned things. It should be noted that we’re using the term “monster hunter” in its purest sense, meaning people…

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